Reichstag Building

Since 1999, the Bundestag (Germany’s Parliament) has had its seat at the Reichstag Building in Berlin.

Members of the public can visit the large glass dome and roof terrace at the top of the Reichstag for a 360-degree view of the surrounding Berlin cityscape. The main hall of the parliament below can also be seen from inside the dome.

In the course of 20 minutes, your personal guide to the dome will share with you all the most important facts about the Reichstag Building and its surroundings, the German Bundestag, the work of Parliament, and the sights you can see during your 230-metre-long ascent and descent. The easy-to-use audioguides, which you can obtain on the roof terrace, are available in ten languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Russian, Turkish and Dutch. Special audioguides will also be available for children and for people with disabilities.

Admission : FREE

Operating hours : Every quarter of an hour, last admission at 22.00 hours

Since it is the Parliament House, for security purpose it is necessary to register in advance using this link and to bring your ID with you if you want to visit the dome.

When registering, besides the dome visit, you can choose

1) guided tour of the Reichstag Building explaning the functions, working methods and composition of Parliament, as well as the history and architecture of the Reichstag Building. Afterwards you will have an opportunity to visit the dome. Guided tours of the Reichstag Building are held in weeks when Parliament is not sitting.

The hours of the guided tours are daily at 9.00 hrs, 10.30 hrs, 12.00 hrs, 13.30 hrs, 15.30 hrs, 17.00 hrs,18.30 hrs, 20.00 hrs.

2) Lectures on the visitors’ gallery of the plenary chamber. In these 45-minute lectures you will learn important facts about the functions, working methods and composition of Parliament, as well as the history and architecture of the Reichstag Building.

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